Android hands typing on a typewriter

The creepy part of ChatGPT? Your lack of privacy

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard have made headlines since their introduction for things like managing your stock portfolio, building software in minutes, and for just being downright...

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Lock screen on a smartphone

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, an annual collaborative effort between government and industry to ensure we have the resources you need to maintain your security online. Throughout October, we’ll be sending you tips on protecting your information and avoiding malicious attempts to extract your personal data. See all of our 2023 tips here: 

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Email with a warning symbol

New email tags identifying potential phishing

On Tuesday, Oct. 10, ITS will implement new email security features that will help you better identify suspicious or malicious emails received from outside of Weill Cornell Medicine and make it possible to report these messages to ITS from any email client, including Apple Mail.    

When you receive an email from an external sender, you will see one of the following tags at the top of the message: 

Informational Tags (Gray...

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