Weill Research Gateway

The Weill Research Gateway (WRG) is an online portal for research administrative tools used by faculty and staff at WCM.

The following applications are currently available in WRG:

Clinical Trials (WRG-CT)

Clinical Trials manages protocol information of clinical studies submitted to the IRB. The Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee (PRMC) reviews are managed and tracked in WRG-CT to assess scientific feasibility of research studies. Ancillary Reviews are also managed within WRG-CT to track the approval for study activation. Ancillary reviews pertaining to a study can be triggered within WRG-CT for individuals in different roles to observe and complete relevant tasks for a research study to be activated. Subject information is gathered and managed through WRG-CT. Through an integration with Epic, WRG-CT  is able to pull subject information from Epic and push enrollment information into the EHR.

Conflicts of Interest

COI provides a survey to report any financial relationships you may have that pertain to your institutional responsibilities at Weill Cornell Medicine. Potential conflicts may be detected between people and sponsors, sponsors and projects, projects and funding applications, etc.

Potential conflicts are reported in three ways:

  1. Annual Conflicts Survey: All employees of WCM must complete the Conflicts Survey. You are required to update your Conflicts Survey any time you develop a financial relationship related to your institutional responsibilities at WCM that may present, or appear to present, a conflict of interest. Any new relationships must be reported through the Conflicts Survey within 30 days of acquiring them. If you have no relationships to report, you must still certify once a year.
  2. Travel Disclosures: Travel disclosures should be submitted by PHS-funded investigators who receive travel support that is not sponsored by Weill Cornell Medicine.
  3. Study Specific Reports (SSR): SSRs are used for capturing information on one’s external relationships in the context of a project and should be submitted at the time of grant proposal, IRB application and prior to release of an award.

Human Subjects (WRG-HS)

Human Subjects is a web-based application used to streamline IRB submissions and reviews of human subjects protocols.

Research Safety (WRG-RS)

Research Safety provides a platform to track laboratory safety registrations for chemical, biological, and radiological use. Registrations are routed through the system for central office approval, as well as Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) approval, providing maximum visibility and transparency throughout the lab inspection and review process. 

Clinical Safety Applications to the IBC and RSC are also submitted within WRG-RS to supplement IRB Applications. These include the Application for Human Gene Transfer Protocol, Application for Biological Agents Protocol, Radiation Safety Human Subjects Application, and the Radiation Safety Authorized User Human Use Application.

Sponsored Programs (WRG-SP)

Sponsored Programs provides a comprehensive portal for grants and contracts, including proposal and award documentation. WRG-SP adapts to your submission and only prompts relevant questions based on your document type, saving you time and effort. Submissions are routed through the system for departmental and central office approval, providing maximum visibility and transparency throughout the review and submission process.

Study Activation Status Page (SASP)

The SASP dashboard provides an overview of all of the relevant approvals, trainings, and documentation required before a clinical research study is active and open to subject enrollment. SASP has been integrated with all WRG modules and other external review applications to track all required tasks during a study’s approval, while providing visibility into interactions with ancillary groups.

What's Included


  • Integration between Clinical Trials and Human Subjects
  • Subject information management and Tracking
  • Study information management
  • PRMC Reviews
  • Ancillary Reviews
  • Epic integration
  • Report generation


  • Enter protocol data applicable to studies and view the status of protocols (e.g. continuing reviews, amendments, etc.)
  • Initiate PRMC reviews through the submission of an intake form
  • Edit, amend and renew protocols
  • Submit reportable events and closure reports


  • Laboratory Safety Registrations
    • Research Safety Checklist
    • Institutional Biosafety Committee Registration
    • Radiation Safety Non-Human Use Application
  • Clinical Safety Applications
    • Application for Human Gene Transfer Protocol
    • Application for Biological Agents Protocol
    • Radiation Safety Human Subjects Application
    • Radiation Safety Authorized User Human Use Application
  • Amendments and Renewals of above

Service Requirements

  • You must be Weill Cornell Medicine faculty or staff to access WRG with a valid CWID and password.
  • It is recommended that you use Firefox, Chrome, or Safari to access WRG. Users on Internet Explorer may experience some issues when on the site.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I update my email preferences in WRG?

To update your email preferences:

  1. Click My Profile from left navigation pane.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click Portal Preferences.
  4. Under the Profile Preferences, choose Yes or No for the "I would like to receive an email when something is assigned to me" question.

What if my entity is not listed in WRG?

If the entity you are trying to select is not in the dropdown list, email Sponsor-Creation@med.cornell.edu with the subject "COI Entity Request" They will add the sponsor on the backend and notify you when you can go back in to select that entity.

What do I do if I'm having trouble finishing my transaction in WRG?

In many cases, the Completed checkbox must be checked before clicking Submit. If this doesn’t work, there may be required fields that are not filled out. Review the form your submitting and check for any errors or missed fields.

If you continue to experience issues, contact the Service Desk.



Maintenance window: Thursdays from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM.

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(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
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