Encrypted Email

ITS provides encrypted email to all users with a WCM email account who would like to increase the security of their email correspondence messages. This service is ideal for users sending sensitive or confidential data to a recipient's email address that is not a part of the WCM network, which includes email addresses ending in:

  • @med.cornell.edu
  • @nyp.org
  • @mskcc.org
  • @rockefeller.edu
  • @hss.edu
  • @cornell.edu
  • @cumc.columbia.edu 
  • @qatar-med.cornell.edu

Emails sent outside of these addresses (e.g., to approved third-party vendors) should be encrypted if they have confidential data. Emails can be encrypted one of two ways - via the #encrypt marker, or (for attachment data only) the File Transfer Service. More details can be found in our email encryption guide

What's Included

Ability to securely send email containing confidential data to users outside of the WCM secure email network.

Cost and Fees

This service is available at no additional charge.

Service Requirements

A Weill Cornell email account is required to use this service.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I connect my personal email account to my WCM Outlook account?

Office 365 Outlook (formerly Outlook Web Access) allows you to simplify your inbox and connect up to five additional email accounts so you can send and read all your email in one place. While this feature would permit you to connect your personal email with your Weill Cornell Medicine email account, ITS does not permit this integration.
Unlike adding separate mail accounts in the Outlook desktop client, connecting email accounts in Outlook on the web downloads and stores all external email messages in your Weill Cornell Medicine account. By virtue of this integration, all personal email will be discoverable and scanned by our data loss prevention software under the same terms as work email, as defined in the ITS 11.08 - Use of Email and ITS 11.09 – Data Loss Prevention policies. In addition, ITS will have no means of separating integrated personal email from work email. Should your relationship with Weill Cornell Medicine end, we will not be able to provide an export of your personal email messages.
For these reasons, ITS does not permit the connection of personal email accounts in Outlook on the web. If you have any questions, please contact Brian J. Tschinkel, Information Security Officer, at brt2008@med.cornell.edu.



Use this service

Write #encrypt in the email subject line to encrypt your outbound email message.

To send large encrypted file attachments, please use the File Transfer Service.

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
Make an appointment