Secure Remote Archive

Also known as
Also known as: 
  • Globus

The Secure Remote Archive service offers inexpensive storage for large amounts of data that are not needed for immediate work. Users can maintain files directly, quickly, and reliably at any time; data can be of any WCM classification.

For transfer continuity management and the extra protection of remote Cornell facilities, sessions are set up and tracked via individual user accounts on a Web interface, Globus ( For security and speed, permissions are governed by users' WCM credentials, and all data and credentials remain within WCM network and storage.

Via the Globus client, any user computer becomes an "endpoint" for moving data to or from the archive endpoint. Any data accessible to the user's computer can be moved, whether local to the computer or in multiuser locations such as a server used by several people.

Users can determine the amount of space they will need (minimum 1TB) and maintain files via the Globus client. There is also an option to specify other WCM users for full read/write access. Currently, this is the most cost-effective storage option for WCM users to store their files.

Unsure if Secure Remote Archive meets your storage needs? Use our Storage Wizard to help you find the most suitable option.

What's Included

  • Ability to archive amount of data of your choosing
  • Account accessible via Internet connection at
  • Ability to authorize full read/write access to other WCM users
  • Ability to retrieve data quickly at no additional cost
  • Monthly maintenance to ensure system functionality

Please note the following limitations of the service:

  • No data backup
  • Files cannot be mounted as a share from a user’s computer; an Internet connection is required to connect to Globus and access your archive
  • Password support maintained by Globus, not ITS

Cost and Fees

Current pricing for Secure Remote Archive is available on our Rates page under the “RedCloud Service” category.

Service Requirements

ITS recommends using the following browsers to access Globus:

  • Firefox 17 or higher
  • Chrome 17 or higher
  • Safari 4 or higher
  • Internet Explorer 9 or higher

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Secure Remote Archive work?

Secure Remote Archive works through a combination of a web client and a small server software running on the user's computer. This allows unattended background transfer of very large number of files of any size.

The transfer occurs between endpoints, which are basically storage places. Typically, one endpoint would be the Remote Archive, which is located in Ithaca, and the other endpoint would be your computer.

What do I need to use the Secure Remote Archive?

To use the Secure Remote Archive, you need the following:

  1. A Globus account (which is available for free at
  2. An account with the Secure Remote Archive (which can be requested using the Secure Remote Archive Request Form in myHelpdesk)
  3. The Globus software, called Globus Connect Personal, which you can install on your computer using the guides here.

Note that your account is separate from your CWID and your Cornell account. If you forget your password, you need to contact Globus for assistance.

How do I use Secure Remote Archive?

Secure Remote Archive works by transferring your files to the Cornell Storage in Ithaca.

  1. Initiate the transfer by logging in the website. The "Log In" link is in the upper right-hand corner of the Globus website.
  2. After you log in, click on File Transfer.
  3. Choose the two endpoints. One is your computer (on the left). The other one is the wcmc# endpoint on the right.
  4. Navigate to the appropriate folders in both endpoints. Select the file(s) you want to move and then click on one of the arrows on top depending which way you want to transfer. The transfer will begin via the Globus Connect Personal application.



Use this service

Authorized departmental users can visit myHelpdesk to fill out a request form for Secure Remote Archive.

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
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