Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) provides a dedicated website platform designed specifically for research labs. This environment offers templated pages that enable labs to efficiently create a Weill Cornell-branded website with support from our Digital Engagement Services team (DES).
What's Included
WCM research lab websites come preconfigured with templates tailored to common needs, including:
- Research Overview
- Lab Team Member Profiles
- Publications
- About Us
- Optional Pages: Software, Job Openings
- Costs and Fees
Naming Guidelines
- All WCM research lab websites are required to follow this format: Lab(labname).weill.cornell.edu.
- Custom URLs may be used, but they must be owned by WCM and will redirect to the official Cornell domain format above.
Cost and Maintenance
Weill Cornell Medicine subsidizes the cost of creating a lab website for any official research lab within the medical college, including the setup and ongoing CMS maintenance (e.g., security updates and system releases).
What's not covered:
- Custom requests outside the scope of the basic template will incur a fee.
- Ongoing maintenance or content updates will incur a fee if handled by the Web Operations team, rather than the lab team.
Getting Started
To request a WCM research lab website, submit the request form, and a member of the DES team will reach out to schedule a discovery call. In this meeting, we will review your request and determine next steps and timelines.Â
When submitting a lab site request please include the following:
- Primary Researcher’s Name (this will likely be used in the site address)
- 8-Digit Fund Number (required for system setup but not used for charges)
- WCM Department & Division
- Designated Administrator (responsible for managing the site)
- Other Editors (list of authorized editors with WCM email addresses)
- Lab Contact Information (Phone Number, Email, and Physical Address)