Learning Management System/Course Websites

Also known as
Also known as: 
  • LMS
  • Learning Management System
  • Course Management System
  • Canvas
Canvas LMS logo

Canvas LMS is the online environment that simplifies and enhances the teaching and learning experience. Canvas is WCM's software solution for the delivery of instructional content in the MD and Graduate School programs where it is integrated with the Jenzabar SIS to synchronize courses and enrollments from the registration system. Canvas is also used by various departments for training programs, student orientation, and HotSpots (general resource websites). Canvas LMS is used in fully in-person courses, fully remote courses, and hybrid (in-person/remote) courses.

Canvas Dashboard

The Canvas LMS facilitates the creation and sharing of instructional content by faculty and staff with students and simplifies the administration of courses. Some features include:

  • Calendar (events/due dates)
  • Assignments with various submission options
  • Grades/SpeedGrader
  • Resource files
  • Lecture videos (integration with Panopto video platform)
  • Modules (smart navigation of course elements)
  • Documentation, tracking, and reporting
  • Accessibility Checker
  • Differentiation of roles (Teacher, TA, Designer, Observer, etc) for efficient workflows

WCM's Canvas is integrated with other ITS platforms such as Jenzabar SIS, Panopto (video), o365, Zoom, Turnitin, ExamSoft.

For more info on Canvas or to request a Canvas site or change to existing site visit MyHelpdesk and submit a Canvas Change Request.



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1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
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