1/17: NIH Forms E Town Hall

Effective January 25, 2018, NIH will require the use of Forms E packages for all grant submissions. Most significant is the new Human Subjects and Clinical Trials form required for all submissions, including human subjects in their study plan. 

The Weill Research Gateway (WRG) recently underwent an upgrade to implement enhancements to our Sponsored Programs (SP) module, including activation of the Forms E package. 

Town Hall on Forms E changes

OSRA and the IRB will be hosting a town hall to discuss these WRG-SP enhancements and how they affect your submissions in the system:

Wednesday, January 17

1300 York Avenue, Room A-250

5:15 – 6 p.m.


If you cannot attend in person, a recording of the event will be sent out after the town hall. 


For more information on this event, please contact grantsandcontracts@med.cornell.edu.

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