5/21: Learn about Microsoft Loop

Tech Tuesday 

Microsoft Loop

Tuesday, May 21

12 noon – 12:45 p.m. 


Learn about Microsoft Loop, a new app available to WCM faculty, staff, and students. Loop is a unique workspace where you can brainstorm, take notes, manage projects, create wikis, and combine related files from other Microsoft apps in one convenient location. Plus, share all or just parts of your workspaces with colleagues, with real-time synched editing across Loop, Outlook, Teams, and other O365 apps. 

Find out how Loop can change the way you work!  

Presenter: Joshua Gural, O365 Product Manager    



Please register with your WCM email address 



About Tech Tuesdays 

Tech Tuesdays are online sessions open to the WCM community about various technology topics to help faculty, staff, and students with their work. You can find past recordings of our sessions at its.weill.cornell.edu/techtuesday. Please contact its-communications@med.cornell.edu if you have any questions.  




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