Alert on recent spam message

ITS has received several reports about a spam message appearing in some users' inboxes. The message reads as follows:

Subject: Outlook Communications update !!!

Dear Mailbox User

Please be informed that your Email account on file has been listed for suspension and will be disabled shortly if not Activated Now. Errors were discovered in your account. For security reasons, you are required to secure and please click here to Upgrade your mailbox and its quota size.

ITS help desk

What do you need to do?
Do not click on the link provided; this leads to a malicious website. ITS never asks users to upgrade their mailboxes via a link. If you receive this email, please delete it. ITS is currently working to have this message blocked for all users.

If you received this message and accidentally clicked on the link provided, please contact the ITS Service Desk immediately at the information listed below so our technicians can verify that your account was not compromised.

Tips to identify spam
It is important that all users report any emails to the Service Desk that ask for personal information or contain suspicious links. You can learn how to better identify spam messages by reviewing our article on 5 Tips to Avoid Internet Fraud at WCMC.

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