April Closing and May Payroll Due Dates

FI Month End Closing Schedule April 2020

All Grant JV's requiring upload or release by Accounting must be received by/submitted to General Accounting no later than 12 pm on  5/5/2020. Entries submitted after the deadline will be posted to the following month.

All other JV's requiring upload or release by General Accounting must be received by/submitted to General Accounting no later than 12 pm on 5/6/2020.

Accounting Close for April is 5/7/2020.


All incurred P-Card transactions will be available daily

April PCard due dates:

May 5, 2020 P-Card allocation and approval due

May Payroll Due Dates:

May 8th and 22nd - Non-Exempt Time Sheets due in Finance
May 4th and 18th - Exempt Time Sheets due in Finance
May 20th - Supplemental Compensation Detail due by 5pm
May 1st - Payroll Date (NY)
May 15th - Payroll Date (NY)
May 29th - Payroll Date (NY) with Supplemental Compensation
May 14th - Payroll Date (Qatar)
May 28th - Payroll Date (Qatar)

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(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
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