Join us for a great new schedule of demonstrations for faculty, staff, and students. Each week, our experts will showcase various software and tools, and answer your questions on how these resources can help you with your work at WCM.
Upcoming schedule and topics
During the month of April, we’ll be hosting these topics. Download our flyer to keep at your desk:
Tuesday, April 2
EndNote: Keep track of references, incorporate citations into papers, create bibliographies, and annotate PDFs.
Presenter: Michelle Demetres, Samuel J. Wood Library
Tuesday, April 9
CrashPlan: Learn about our new backup and security solution that protects your files and allows you to restore them with a click of a button.
Presenter: Michele Fuortes, MD, PhD, Asst. Professor & ITS Liaison
Tuesday, April 16
Adobe Illustrator Basics: Learn how to create simple illustrations using vector shape tools.
Presenter: Bridget McFadden, ITS Communications
Tuesday, April 23
WebI Reports: Learn how to navigate a Web Intelligence report within BI Launch Pad in the Weill Business Gateway.
Presenter: Faisal Qureshi, Administrative Computing
Tuesday, April 30
Poll Everywhere: Transform one-sided presentations into two-way conversations with the audience by embedding interactive activities, like polls, directly into your presentation.
Presenter: Vanessa Puig, ITS Communications
All demos will take place in the library:
Samuel J. Wood Library
Library Commons Area
1300 York Avenue
12 noon – 12:30 p.m.
Questions about Tech Tuesdays?
Please contact its-communications@med.cornell.edu.