Changes to NYP Web Maintenance Services

As a result of ongoing organizational changes, Web Maintenance services for NYP websites will be transitioning to a new vendor. ITS Web Communications will no longer be providing these services for hospital web sites beginning January 1, 2014.

How will this affect you?
On Friday, December 20 at 5 p.m., the existing NYP Web Maintenance service will be closed to new tickets. Users will still be able to log into the system and review or comment on existing requests. All open tickets should have the work completed by Tuesday, December 31.

Weill Cornell Medical College Web Maintenance services will continue to operate normally and are not impacted by this change.

What do you need to do?
On Thursday, December 19, 2013, you will receive instructions on how to submit requests to make changes on your NYP web pages. Beginning Monday, December 23, the new procedure to open a NYP Web Maintenance request will be in place to receive your requests.

Questions? Feedback?
If you have any questions on how to use the new system or run into any issue when submitting a request, please contact Sean Kelliher in the NYP Marketing Department at 212-585-6424 or

If you have any questions regarding WCMC Web Maintenance services, please contact Dan Dickinson in ITS Web Communications at

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