Coming March 25: New modules in the Weill Research Gateway

3/25/19 Update: The Clinical Trials module (WRG-CT) and the Enhanced Research Data Safety module (WRG-RS) are now live. We unfortunately encountered some issues with rolling out two of the modules. The new Human Subjects module (WRG-HS) and the Study Activation Status Page (SASP) are not currently available but should be ready in the coming days.


We are pleased to announce the impending launch of several new features in the Weill Research Gateway (WRG). On March 25, we will introduce new modules and processes to help streamline your research. Here’s what’s ahead:

New Human Subjects Module (WRG-HS)  [Not yet available]

WRG-HS will be the central point to initiate all research studies. WRG-HS will replace our current eIRB system.

Study Activation Status Page (SASP)   [Not yet available]

SASP is a new web-based dashboard that informs investigators of all of the approvals, trainings, and documentation required before a study may commence. SASP will display requirements such as CTA review, CITI training, Pathology, and Pharmacy approval. SASP will replace the IRB office serving as a gatekeeper for administrative approvals and other requirements.

New Clinical Trials Module (WRG-CT)

A new clinical trials management system will launch to track protocols and subject enrollments. WRG-CT will manage the new PRMC (formally CSEC) and RROC submission, reviews, and approvals. WRG-CT will replace the current JIRA workflow for subject enrollment and status updates. Ancillary departments will be able to manage and review studies through a single dashboard and upload signed documents into the Protocol Console of WRG-CT.

Enhanced Research Safety Module (WRG-RS)

WRG-RS combines accessibility to the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and Radiation Safety Committee (RSC), providing clinical investigators a portal for submissions such as the Application for Human Gene Transfer Protocol, the Application for Biological Agents Protocol, and Radiation Safety Human Subjects Application.

Data Feed from CITI Program

An integration from CITI Program will bring research compliance training data from CITI into WRG for the following four courses:

  • Biomedical Research Investigators and Key Personnel
  • Good Clinical Practice
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Responsible Conduct of Research

The data will load nightly and will first feed into SuccessFactors and then into WRG. As a result of standard notifications, SuccessFactors will notify users that a new course has been added to their learning plan with instructions on how to login to CITI. 

Available training

Training is required for investigators and study team personnel who will be submitting applications to the IRB and the PRMC, and/or who will be registering subjects in the clinical trials management system. Training and access requests were distributed to departmental administrators and required online courses will be available on the Learning Management System in the Weill Business Gateway the week of March 18.  

WRG downtime

The WRG portal and all of its modules (i.e., Conflicts of Interest, Sponsored Programs, SPIN) will be offline while our teams are implementing the aforementioned changes. WRG will be unavailable from 5 p.m. on Friday, March 22 until 9 a.m. on Monday, March 25.


We encourage you to visit the wiki site for additional information or reach out to us at for any questions you may have about this process.


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