eduroam: Easy wireless access across educational institutions

Our new eduroam visitor service is now available for Weill Cornell faculty, staff, and students to use at outside institutions! While you're on WCMC's campus, you'll still use our current wireless networks (WMC Secure or WCMC) to access the Internet when needed. However, if you travel frequently to different campuses for business or research, you can now access wireless Internet at participating institutions with ease using your own WCMC email and password. No complicated setups. No need to memorize different user names and passwords.

What is eduroam?
As mentioned in a previous message, eduroam is a wireless access service used by thousands of educational institutions in the United States and worldwide. Because it's used by so many institutions, this means you can easily access wireless Internet on virtually any campus you visit. Likewise, visitors from other universities that have enabled eduroam can access wireless Internet at Weill Cornell with their own credentials from their home institution. Connecting to eduroam is free and requires authentication for added security.

Click and watch this short video for more information.

Where can I access eduroam?
At this time, when you're at Weill Cornell, you will continue to use our WMC Secure or WCMC networks to access all of our college resources. However, when you travel to other institutions, like Cornell University in Ithaca, you can access the Internet wirelessly via eduroam. You can view the extensive list of participating institutions at the eduroam website.

Where can I learn more about eduroam?
Please visit the ITS website for more details about our wireless networks and how eduroam works at WCMC and around the world.

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1300 York Ave
New York, NY
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