ePlus portal enhancements now available!

Effective today, you’ll notice a few changes to our ePlus site to enhance your computer ordering experience. Here are our latest enhancements:

  • Changes to ePlus interface: When you’re redirected to ePlus, you’ll notice:
    • More prominent messaging about shopping options and where to go for assistance.
    • New computer categories, including: 
      • “Ready-to-Ship” options of pre-configured computers that ship within 8 business days or fewer. Remember, ITS approval is not required when you order a Ready-to-Ship option, ensuring faster processing!   
      • Custom options with new computer models and commonly-requested configurations. These ship within 2-3 weeks.


eplus screenshot


  • More computer model options: Additional options are now available for both desktops and laptops. These options and their specs are located on both the ePlus site and the ITS website

Questions? Feedback? 

If you have any questions about our Procurement process, please contact our Computer Sales Group at csg@med.cornell.edu.

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(212) 746-4878
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1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
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