Info about Petya ransomware attack

Today, multiple news outlets have reported on yet another ransomware infection known as “Petya.” This ransomware is believed to take advantage of the same Microsoft security vulnerability as the previous “WannaCry” attack, allowing unauthorized users to lock down all the files on an infected computer. Once a hacker has gained access to your files, you are asked to pay in order to regain control of them.

How will this affect you?  

ITS has already taken steps to mitigate this variant of ransomware and is actively monitoring the situation for future developments. However, you should still take steps to protect your devices.

What do you need to do?

As a reminder, it’s important to remain vigilant about protecting yourself from cyberattacks. Here are some simple things you can do:

  • Be aware of phishing scams: Many ransomware attacks spread when users click on links in suspicious email and provide personal information. Be wary of emails when you do not know the sender, and never open attachments you are not expecting. Visit to learn how to identify phishing scams and report any suspicious emails to
  • Apply the latest security patches to your PC: Microsoft releases security patches on a monthly basis. If your computer is not tagged and supported by ITS (such as a home computer), make sure to run Windows Update at least once a month to ensure you are patched with the latest security updates.
  • Never share your password: You should never divulge your password to anyone, and ITS will never ask for it. If you think your WCM account has been compromised, visit to change your password immediately.
  • Be cautious when using thumb drives: Malware can also be spread via thumb drives. Be careful when using a thumb drive that is not your own to share files. You can always send PHI data using our secure File Transfer service, or non-PHI data using Box.

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