This week, several news outlets have reported that Verizon Wireless suffered a data breach in June 2017 of about 6 million customers and 14 million records of subscriber calls. Verizon has not confirmed that there has been a breach. However, there has been no indication to support whether or not anyone has been able to access the leaked information.
I’m a Verizon Wireless customer. What do I need to do?
The leaked data contained important information about customer accounts, such as the account PIN. The account PIN is used to verify your identify when contacting Verizon Wireless over the phone or via chat. As a precaution, if you are a personal Verizon Wireless customer or maintain a Verizon Wireless account on behalf of your department and have not changed your account PIN since July 1, 2017, we recommend you change your account PIN by going to http://vzw.com/PIN.
For more information about your Verizon Wireless account PIN, view the FAQ here: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/account-pin-faqs/.
I’m not a Verizon Wireless customer. Do I need to do anything?
There is no action necessary. However, it’s always a good idea to change account PINs and passwords if there is suspicion they have been compromised.