Information about the Shellshock Bug

ITS is currently researching and addressing a new security issue known as the "Shellshock Bug." Shellshock is a flaw in a piece of software that is built into a majority of machines that connect to the Internet, including servers, computers, and mobile phones. This vulnerability can allow hackers to take control of an entire device. Similar to Heartbleed, Shellshock is a widespread issue affecting users and companies worldwide.

How will this affect you?
Our Security Team has already begun applying the necessary security patches to systems and devices that may be affected by Shellshock. There is no evidence that any WCMC systems have been compromised.

What do you need to do?
As always, please monitor your accounts for any sign of malicious activity, including fraudulent emails attempting to extract more personal data from you. You can reference our 5 Tips to Avoid Internet Fraud at WCMC article for assistance.

If you are running your own server, we highly recommend reviewing this notice from Cornell University that includes information about testing and taking appropriate action.

If you believe any of your devices have been compromised, please call the Service Desk immediately.

More information about the Shellshock Bug can be found at various news outlets:

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