Introducing VIVO on January 31

On Friday, January 31, ITS will launch its VIVO Public Beta service to the WCMC community. Funded by the NIH and developed at Cornell University, VIVO offers researchers a polished web presence full of information about you and your work. Having accurate information about you and your work allows you to attract funders and collaboration opportunities, and receive proper credit for your activities.

Researcher Profile System (RPS) will be phased out
The current Researcher Profile System (RPS) will be phased out. The content in that system was static and largely out of date. VIVO will offer more accurate data as it is updated daily by authoritative systems and queries to PubMed. In addition, faculty will be able to edit their profiles effective February 1. After 5 p.m. today on January 29, RPS will not allow further edits.

Who gets access to VIVO?
At present, VIVO includes all faculty with a Weill Cornell appointment, as well as postdoctoral associates or fellows with a primary affiliation of Weill Cornell. All users must already have a Center-Wide ID (CWID). The site is currently in a public beta mode as we work to improve the service. In the future, we plan to add more profiles, such as graduate students, and additional features.

What will VIVO include about me?
VIVO displays general information about faculty and researchers at Weill Cornell, including appointments, publications, select federal grants, and educational background. This information comes from a number of authoritative sources.

However, in the event something in your profile should be changed, you can send requests to ITS to update any information that may be outdated or inaccurate. These requests will be confirmed by ITS staff to ensure that all profiles are correct.

What can I do with VIVO?
With VIVO, it's easy to network and search for colleagues at Weill Cornell by people, organizations, research, grants, and publications. VIVO will also be available outside of the WCMC network, so colleagues at other institutions can see your work at Weill Cornell. The national VIVO consortium also is connecting VIVO instances from other major institutions throughout the world and participates in unified research networking systems.

What do you need to do?
On January 31, more information about accessing and logging into VIVO will be sent to all users, as well as instructions on how you can edit your profile and search the site.

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