ITS and Genomics Resources Core Facility Deploy HiSeq2000 Genomics Sequencer

Project Description

The Genomics Resources Core Facility has recently deployed a cutting edge Illumina HiSeq 2000 Genome Sequencer. Genomics Sequencing is a laboratory process that provides researchers with DNA information on genetic relationships and origin susceptibility to specific diseases. This device delivers extremely high sequencing output and generates data at an extremely high rate of speed. Sequencers like this can produce 100s of gigabytes of data per run. The computer storage and analysis resources required to make effective use of sequencer output is significant and beyond what the Genomics Resources Core Facility could support from a power, space and cooling perspective. ITS Project Manager, Peter Michielini, worked with Dr. Jenny Xiang to provide ITS storage specifically designed to support instruments like this and hosting services to support the high end server needed for the analysis of the data.

Quote from the Client

"The continued commitment and support of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs to improving research at WCMC was instrumental in getting this project initiated. The ITS implementation services that were provided were outstanding and their use of project management best practices enabled this project to be completed on time and within budget. Our specialized server and data storage requirements were successfully satisfied by this project!"
-Dr. Jenny Xiang, Director, Genomics Resources Core Facility

Value to the Medical Center

This new Genomics Resources Core Facility instrument will enable them to continue to focus on providing the highest level service possible to its clients while ITS manages the computing. The Core can now provide cutting edge technology for virtually any sequencing project.

ITS continues to work on providing optimal solutions for research computing and data storage needs. Please contact us if you have special requirements that we can assist you with.

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