ITS Launches New WCMC Calendar of Events

Information Technologies & Services, in consultation with the General Faculty Council, has launched a new Calendar of Events.

"We've known that events are the lifeblood of any clinical or basic science department," said Dan Dickinson, Associate Director for Web Communications. "There's a great need within the community to have an easy way not just to promote, but to also be able to find events. The new Calendar of Events is a great leap forward for both needs."

Vinay I. Varughese, Senior Technology Officer, added: "A central calendar of events will help foster a greater sense of community for our faculty, staff and students. As this project develops further, we will also be working with colleagues in our partner institutions in the Upper East Side, Qatar, and Ithaca to provide a centralized hub for publicizing events of interest to our community."

Users of the new Calendar of Events can:

  • Search for events by type, department, or location.
  • Track events of interest, or mark that they will be in attendance.
  • Add other users as "friends" to be notified when they make plans.
  • Submit events for listing in the calendar.

The new calendar of events is available to the public, but an active CWID is required for some functions.

As part of the move towards web-based promotion of events, ITS will be decommissioning two opt-in broadcast lists ("CLINICALEVENTS" and "BASICSCIEVENTS") on May 31st, 2012. Additionally, ITS Web Communications will be assisting to help departments integrate calendars into their website. More information on both of these items will be available in the coming weeks.

The calendar can be accessed from the WCMC homepage, or directly at Training documents, as well as more information about the service, can be found on the Calendar of Events service catalog page.

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