Throughout the month of March, Tech Tuesday will feature various topics on using Microsoft Excel. Whether you’re a complete beginner, a casual user who wants to know a few tricks, or someone who’s in Excel every day, you can take away some handy tips from this special series.
Upcoming schedule and topics
We’ll be hosting the following topics. Download our flyer to keep at your desk:
Tuesday, March 6
Everyday Excel: Wish you knew how to work in Excel more efficiently? Learn some helpful formulas, formatting, and tips for everyday Excel use.
Presenter: Vanessa Puig, ITS Communications
Tuesday, March 13
Analysis for Excel: Learn how to use the Analysis for Excel tool in BI reports to modify and visualize important WCM data.
Presenter: Inkeri Saiku, ITS Training
Tuesday, March 20
PivotTables: An in-depth look at using PivotTables to summarize, analyze, explore, and present your data.
Presenter: Drew Wright, Samuel J. Wood Library
Tuesday, March 27
Using VLOOKUP: Learn how to look up and reference functions when you need to find things in a table or a range by row. Plus, get a quick look at using VLOOKUP with PivotTables.
Presenter: Al Sita, Project Management
All demos will take place in the library:
Samuel J. Wood Library
Library Commons Area
1300 York Avenue
12 noon – 12:30 p.m.
Questions about Tech Tuesdays?
Please contact its-communications@med.cornell.edu.