Library launches grant editing service

The Samuel J. Wood Library is pleased to announce a free, new editing service for WCM grant applicants. As a pilot program with limited capacity, we are concentrating on the following prioritized grant categories:
1.     Resubmissions of Scored But Not Funded grant applications
2.     Junior faculty writing their first R01 grant, including GRASP participants
3.     Junior faculty career award
4.     Limited submission grants (for institutional nominees only)
5.     Sections of large collaborative awards – for example, the introduction for a P01
6.     Grants in other categories will be considered, if possible
What We Offer
Light Editing:
•      Correcting spelling, word usage, grammar, and punctuation
•      Cross-checking text with tables and figures for correct association
Medium Editing:
•      Suggesting textual changes for clarity and concision
•      Ensuring style consistency
•      Changing passive to active voice
 Boilerplate Language:
        A selection of standardized descriptions of WCM resources and programs
What We Expect
•      Submission of grant materials, including reviewer comments for resubmissions, well before grant deadline (four weeks strongly recommended; no requests accepted within one week of deadline)
•      Grant materials in Microsoft Word format
•      Completion of brief post-editing survey
•      Sharing of grant score and outcome
What We Deliver
•      Professional editing expertise
•      Timeliness: edited grant documents returned within one week
•      Confidentiality: only the small editorial team will have access to grant documents
What We Evaluate
•      Difference in NIH scores for grants before and after using the service
•      Grant application outcomes, including funding and scores, if available
•      Customer feedback – participants required to complete a brief survey within four weeks of service
How We Prioritize
•      Requests will be evaluated both on a first-come, first-served basis and also according to the prioritization list noted above
To Request Editorial Service
•      Please visit our Grant Editing page:
•      We will tell you within 24 business hours whether your request has been accepted.
•      Questions or concerns? Please contact:
Note: A requirement for using this service is confidential disclosure of the grant outcome, including score/percentile for NIH applications. This information will be used only for evaluating the effectiveness of the program and will not be disclosed outside of the group administering the service.

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
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