New and improved Web Directory

ITS will implement an improved Web Directory ( on Wednesday, May 30 from 7pm-9pm EST.  There may be a brief interruption in service during the upgrade window.

What can I find using the Web Directory?

The Directory site contains identifying information for students, staff and faculty at WCM and affiliate organizations. It lets you search for people based on attributes like Name, Title, Department, CWID and more. It also contains emergency contact information that is used by the Weill Cornell Alert Emergency Notification System.


What is new and improved?

When the improved site goes live on Wednesday, you will see several new features:

  • You can browse or search for a Department (e.g. Radiology, ITS) or Service (e.g. Notary Public, Art & Photography)
  • Authorized users can add New Services can add new services
  • The site has been optimized to meet the standards of the WCM UI policies
  • We’re moving to the cloud! Currently our infrastructure is on-premise. We built the application on an AWS instance, which is expected to reduce cost and improve resiliency.




Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
Make an appointment