New shortcut available for

Our website is the place to go for any information on emergency announcements, contact numbers, procedures, and planning at Weill Cornell. Now, it's even easier for faculty, staff, and students to access emergency information quickly from their desktop, laptops, and mobile devices.

Starting Thursday, May 28 a new WCMC Emergency Information shortcut will be available for ITS-tagged Macs, PCs, iOS and Android devices.

What information is included in the shortcut?
The shortcut allows you access the site to keep tabs on any important announcements, find emergency contact numbers, as well as review procedures of how to respond to various emergencies, such as natural disasters, assaults and violence, medical emergencies, and more.

You can also review planning guides and important contacts. The information is always right there, at your fingertips.

How can I download the shortcut onto my device?
The application will be automatically pushed to all ITS-tagged devices, so you do not have to download the shortcut. You should see an icon on your tagged device that looks like this (it may vary slightly depending on the device):

emergency icon

You can still access WCMC emergency information from a personal device by visiting

Not seeing the shortcut?
If you use a:

  • Windows PC - the shortcut should appear on your desktop the next time you restart your computer after the settings are changed on Thursday 5/28
  • Mac - the shortcut should appear on your desktop the next time you log on after Thursday 5/28
  • Mobile device - the shortcut should appear on the home screen on or soon after 5/28


Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
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