Oct. 22: Learn BioRender Grants

Tech Tuesday 

BioRender Grants

Tuesday, Oct. 22

12 noon – 12:45 p.m. 


Enhance your grant submissions with clear and easily comprehensible scientific figures. BioRender helps you elevate your grant proposals and publications with scientifically-validated icons at your disposal. In this session, you’ll learn how to: 

  • Access BioRender’s huge library of editable templates, such as common biological pathways, anatomy, or genetics.
  • Create mockups of what your figure looks like in a grant proposal and quickly view in grayscale to ensure it’s legible.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to capture feedback
  • Export images in high-resolution and common formats such as PNG, JPG, and PDF to include in your grant proposal.


Presenter: Erica Seelemann, Science Communication Specialist at BioRender




Please register with your WCM email address 



About Tech Tuesdays 

Tech Tuesdays are online sessions open to the WCM community about various technology topics to help faculty, staff, and students with their work. You can find more info about our sessions and past recordings at its.weill.cornell.edu/techtuesday. Please contact its-communications@med.cornell.edu if you have any questions.  



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