Simplify your online life with LastPass

Good passwords are key to data security – create strong ones and change them often to keep your information safe. ITS wants to make this easier for you. We are offering you a complementary account with password manager LastPass – a convenient and secure way to manage your passwords. 

What is LastPass?
LastPass is a password manager. It remembers and autofills your passwords, saving you time. It will also generate strong, unique passwords for all your accounts – whether they are for WCM or personal.

Learn more about why to use LastPass in their video Why Use LastPass?

With LastPass you can:

  • Create one master password, and keep the rest locked up and easy-to-find
  • Access anywhere: Desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet, your account is backed up and synced
  • Link your work & personal accounts: For a seamless experience, manage both your personal and work passwords by linking the accounts. You’ll be less likely to use the same passwords for personal sites and work sites, which is a security bonus for WCM. And don’t worry...personal passwords are private and accessible only to you.
  • Upgrade your personal accounts at no additional cost. You’ll get unlimited sync on unlimited devices, and priority support.

LastPass enrollment is optional but highly recommended.

How to set up your WCM LastPass account

  1. Make sure you’re on the WCM network.
             *Already have a personal LastPass account? Log out before setting up your WCM account.
  2. Set up your WCM LastPass account. Open a new browser session, and go to Enter your CWID and password and follow the onscreen prompts. Do not enroll on the LastPass site directly. (If you haven’t enrolled in Duo, our new dual factor authentication system, you’ll be prompted to set up a Duo account prior to LastPass enrollment.)
  3.  You’ll receive an email with the subject “LastPass Account Created.” Click the link that says “click here” to create your account. Follow the onscreen instructions to activate your account, download, and install LastPass.

 Learn more about LastPass:

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
Make an appointment