There’s nothing spookier than an unencrypted device

Have you heard the one about the medical researcher on assignment in a haunted castle? One night, a terrible storm knocked out all the power. The wind howled, the thunder bellowed, bats swooped down from rafters. In the pitch darkness the researcher lost his laptop. . . and his phone.

When the storm broke he realized a horrible truth. . . Neither device was encrypted. 


Scary stuff.  Here in ITS we don’t want anything like this to happen to you. That’s why all devices (laptops, desktops, smartphones, tablets, etc.) tagged by ITS must be encrypted using the ITS-managed encryption systems, at no additional charge.

What is encryption?
Encryption is a method of protecting data from people you don’t want to see it. Encryption converts the contents of your device it into unreadable code that’s very hard to decipher. It is a much stronger level of protection than typical security features. Whole disk encryption is used to protect the entire contents of your device. 

What does WCM Device Encryption include?

  • Full (“whole disk”) encryption of your device using an ITS-managed encryption solution. We also securely store the decryption key in case of an emergency or need to recover files.
  • Installation of the encryption software by a trained ITS technician
  • Protection of data with minimal impact to user experience and device performance
  • Automatic enforcement of data protection with centrally-managed policies.

What about my untagged devices?

You are responsible for safeguarding confidential data on untagged devices, such as a phone that you own personally but use for your work at WCM. Take care to not download or save sensitive attachments or files on untagged devices. ITS is available to help you out and provide "best effort" support to encrypt untagged devices. Users are strongly encouraged to make an encrypted backup of the device data. 

For more information about Device Encryption at ITS check out the ITS website and our Device Encryption Policy

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
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