Use Zoom? Upgrade to the newest version by May 30th

Zoom released version 5.0 on April 27th, which includes new encryption features for increased meeting protection, among other fixes and features. Zoom is requiring all clients be upgraded by May 30th, 2020 to make use of this new encryption.

If you fail to update by May 30th, you will be unable to join any Zoom meetings through your old desktop or smartphone client. 

Update “Push” on Thursday, May 28th @ 7PM

All tagged PCs and Macs with an old version of Zoom will show an alert on Wednesday May 27th reminding you to complete the update. Our management software will attempt to install the update for you on Thursday, May 28th at 7PM if you do not install it earlier.

How do I upgrade sooner?

  • Tagged PCs: Download the newest version of Zoom from BigFix. (Learn how.)
    Please make sure you quit the Zoom application before beginning your upgrade.
  • Tagged Macs: Download the newest version of Zoom from Self-Service. (Learn how.
    If you are off-campus, you will need to connect to VPN first.

    Please make sure you quit the Zoom application before beginning your upgrade.
  • Smartphones or tablets: Check for updates through the App Store or Google Play. 
  • Untagged personal computers: Use the “Check for Updates” action in Zoom to begin the upgrade. (Learn how.)

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
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1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
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