Welcome to VIVO Beta!

ITS has officially launched our VIVO Public Beta, Weill Cornell's online search tool that connects researchers and faculty across disciplines. As previously announced, VIVO includes your publications, teaching, service, federal grants and other information regarding your work. VIVO will eventually replace our current Research Profile System (RPS) and offer users a central location to retrieve information about all researchers and faculty, including postdoctoral associates and fellows.

What can I do in VIVO?

Search for colleagues or topics. Anyone can search VIVO for information about our WCMC research community by visiting vivo.med.cornell.edu and typing in the search bar. You can search by name, department, grants, publications, or topic. Learn how to search here.

Review your profile. VIVO compiles your profile from several high-quality data sources. If you are a researcher or faculty member, you can log into VIVO in the upper right-hand corner and review the information we currently have on file for you. You can edit fields if applicable, or if you see any errors or omissions, contact Support so we can update your information. Note that the project is in public beta, so please review your profile carefully for inaccurate information.

Network with colleagues. Your VIVO profile is available outside of the Weill Cornell network, meaning you can use it to identify potential funding opportunities, recruit students, faculty, and staff, and find colleagues based on their expertise and research.

VIVO Demonstrations
Interested in learning more about VIVO? Our resident experts will be holding live demonstrations at the Wood Library (1300 York Avenue) every Wednesday at 1 p.m. during the month of February by the SMARTDesk.

Questions? Feedback?
Information on how to use VIVO is available on the website's help section.

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
Make an appointment