What you should know about Apple’s new macOS High Sierra

Earlier today Apple released macOS 10.13 High Sierra. ITS has been testing the new macOS to ensure its compatibility with WCM Standard applications.

Should I upgrade to the new macOS High Sierra 10.13?

Yes, feel free to upgrade to the latest version, but please note the exceptions below:

Schrödinger applications: The latest Schrödingerrelease 2017-3, is NOT compatible with macOS High Sierra. We expect the next release in Q4 2017 to be compatible. Do not update if your work depends on using Schrödinger applications.

Office 2016: You MUST update to the latest version of Office before you update to High Sierra. To do this, open any Office app (Outlook, Word, Excel, etc.), go to the Help menu and choose “Check for Updates.”

Other Applications: If you use applications not provided by WCM, the website Roaring Apps is a good source to determine whether your applications are compatible.

If you decide to update to macOS High Sierra, please note the following:

  • Do not store your documents on iCloud. When you first restart after installing the update, macOS High Sierra will ask you if you want to keep your Documents in iCloud. ITS believes that that this presents a risk for inadvertent sharing of PHI and other confidential data. Please answer NO to this option. Also keep in mind that the free space allocation in iCloud is 5GB, and you will be asked to pay for additional storage.
  • Do not turn on the Handoff feature. The new macOS High Sierra includes a feature called Handoff, which syncs the Clipboard between all of your iCloud devices. ITS believes that this presents a risk for inadvertent sharing of PHI and other confidential data.




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