Windows Wireless Network Client Change

This notification is intended for users of laptops running Windows XP or Windows 2000 that connect to the WCMC wireless network using the Odyssey wireless network client. This will not affect Mac users.

Over the past year, ITS changed the Odyssey client on the greater majority of Windows 2000/XP laptops; to proactively address the change, a report of all Windows XP/2000 laptops with the Odyssey client was generated and the users on that report were contacted to upgrade. In the process of reconfiguring reported laptops we found several laptops not on our list. This announcement is meant to address laptops that were not on our report.

Originally, the deadline was set to July 1st. The deadline was extended by the vendor to July 26th. On this date, Windows 2000 and XP laptops still using the Odyssey client will no longer be able to connect to the WMC Secure Wireless network.

To verify if you have the Odyssey client and upgrade your wireless network client, you can either contact ITS Support at 212-746-4878 or use the guide posted below.

To check for the Odyssey client:

  • Click on your start menu and select "Run"
  • In the run pop up window, type "appwiz.cpl"
  • Click "OK"
  • The Add or Remove Programs window will display applications installed on your computer
  • Look for "Juniper Odyssey" or just "Odyssey" (the list is in alphabetical order). If you find either of these items, you should proceed with the upgrade instructions below.
  • Do not uninstall or remove the Odyssey client through this interface.

To update the Odyssey client to the new supported wireless networking client, Secure W2: d0c83e5c05007250ad8e63446f118031

If you assistance with this process, or have any questions, comments, or concerns then please contact ITS Support at 6-4878, or email us at

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