Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN)

LabArchives is a secure, cloud-based electronic lab notebook (ELN) designed for research. This ELN system enables researchers to capture, manage, store, and share information and data. LabArchives facilitates collaboration amongst researchers within a lab, institution, and with external stakeholders.

To access LabArchives, go to mynotebook.labarchives.com, select “Weill Cornell Medicine” from the institution dropdown list, and sign in with your CWID.

Video: Using LabArchives Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) in your lab

What's Included

With LabArchives, you can: 

  • Upload and store files – including text, tables, images, spreadsheets, and attachments – in their original format
  • Create standard notebook templates for your research group
  • Store data securely on LabArchives servers: multiple redundancy ensures 24/7 data availability
  • Share information seamlessly within your lab and invite collaborators join your notebook
  • Maintain all revisions of notebook entries
  • Provide compatibility across multiple platforms, including mobile devices
  • Access and connect seamlessly to lab teams
  • Navigate data easily and quickly with simple search functions


LabArchives integrates with several partner applications to facilitate the research processes of its users. Some commonly used integrations are:

  • Microsoft Office Plug-in (Windows & Mac): This plug-in allows users to integrate with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Once installed, users will have the option of saving directly to LabArchives when working outside of a notebook. There are Windows and Mac versions of the plug-in.
  • GraphPad Prism: This software is integrated to allow direct export from Prism to a LabArchives notebook.
  • SnapGene: This software is integrated to allow for direct export from SnapGene Viewer to a LabArchives notebook.
  • FlowJo: This integration, from Windows and Mac, allows users to save directly to LabArchives.
  • Jupyter: The Jupyter viewer will show all the code and embedded visualizations from .ipynb files uploaded into the notebook.

Service Requirements

LabArchives ELN is available to faculty, staff, and students at no additional cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I store Protected Health Information (PHI) in my LabArchives account?

PHI can be stored in LabArchives. Notebook owners and administrators are responsible for ensuring that PHI within a notebook is not shared with anyone except for individuals explicitly authorized according to the IRB and Data Use Agreements. This applies both to sending of exported notebook material, and to providing shared access to a notebook or notebook pages.

Can I store Intellectual Property in my LabArchives account?

Intellectual Property can be stored in LabArchives with appropriate user precautions to protect data as in any other tool. For more information, contact ctl-connect@cornell.edu.



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