3/18: Advanced Microsoft Loop

Tech Tuesday 

Advanced Microsoft Loop

Tuesday, March 18

12 noon – 12:45 p.m. 


Last year, we introduced you to Microsoft Loop to help you manage and organize your work with powerful note-taking capabilities, and options to share and edit data across Microsoft apps in real-time in the O365 environment.  

In this session, we take it a step further, demonstrating real use cases of how some of your own colleagues are using Loop, plus offering helpful tips to use Loop more effectively. If you have any use cases of your own that you’d like to share before the session, please reach out to the Tech Tuesday team


Presenter: Josh Gural, O365 Product Manager 



Please register with your WCM email address 



About Tech Tuesdays 

Tech Tuesdays are online sessions open to the WCM community about various technology topics to help faculty, staff, and students with their work. You can find more info about our sessions and past recordings at its.weill.cornell.edu/techtuesday. Please contact its-communications@med.cornell.edu if you have any questions.  




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