Security Alert: Spam message attempting to access user information

A spam message has recently appeared in some users' WCMC email accounts attempting to gather information on passwords. The message reads as follows:

From: WCMC Alert (This address may vary.)
Date: May 9, 2014 at 8:23:06 AM EDT
To: Recipients
Subject: Email Update.

Dear User,
Please validate your account. To perform this action CLICK HERE

Thank you.
©2014 Weill Cornell Medical College.

Clicking on the link provided (which has been removed in this message) will lead you to a malicious website with a Weill Cornell logo asking for your password:

Screen Shot 2014-05-09 at 9.03.54 AM.png

This link has been blocked on campus, but users should be aware when accessing email off campus at all times.

What do you need to do?

  • Do not click the link provided in the email if you receive this message. Please delete the email.

  • If you have already clicked the link and provided information on the malicious website, contact ITS immediately at 212-746-4878. We will work with you to ensure your account and computer were not compromised and take any necessary action to protect your information. You should also change your password at (NOTE: ITS will never ask for your password or information to validate your account).
  • As always, if you suspect you have received spam, please report it to ITS. You can view our 5 Tips to Avoid Internet Fraud to help you determine if a message you received is an official WCMC one.

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
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1300 York Ave
New York, NY
9AM - 5PM
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3rd Floor
New York, NY
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