Reason For Publishing this Guidance
To provide our customers information detailing the ITS cost recovery process.
Services and Rates
The ITS Rate Sheet details rates for services provided by ITS. These services may have recurring, or one-time costs associated with them.
All services and rates are reviewed annually by senior ITS leadership and approved by the Executive Vice Dean for Administration and Finance. Rate changes are communicated through the ITS-Billing list, Department Administrator meetings and posted on the ITS website on the 4th quarter of the previous fiscal year.
The billing cycle runs monthly and captures data for that period.
The monthly billing charges are run in batches and normally posted on the last day of the month. They are available to the department for viewing within the ITS billing report in WBG. For BI Report access please reach out to your department administrator or designee.
Billing batches are identified in the following format: FY##-##-#, where:
- FY## is the identifier for the fiscal year in which the batch occurred.
- ## is a sequential identifier for the fiscal period of that fiscal year. The first fiscal period of the fiscal year will be 01, the second 02, and so on.
- # is a sequential identifier for unique revisions and versions of a particular fiscal period. A "0" indicates the first batch for the fiscal period. This identifier may be incremented for major revisions or for correction batches (see below “Correction Batches”).
For example billing batch "ITS FY21-01-0" is for FY21 period 1 and is the first run.
Correction Batches
The most common types of billing corrections are:
- Data entry or transcription errors
- Fund expiration, insufficient fund or holds
- Grant fund rejections (per Research Accounting)
When ITS is unable to cost recover for a service, the ITS Billing team contacts the departmental administrator or designee to resolve billing issues.
Error corrections are batched and submitted separately from the monthly billing batch. The batch number is similar to that of the primary batch, with the last identifier incremented.
For example, billing batch "ITS FY21-01-1" is for FY21 period 1 and the first error correction.
Modification and Disconnects
Departmental Administrators or their designees are expected to:
- review the billing batches as they become available in WBG;
- notify ITS of any changes to fund numbers for tagged equipment;
- notify ITS of any changes to the "user" of tagged equipment;
- notify ITS of any changes to the "location" of tagged equipment;
- notify ITS if fund numbers have expired;
- submit disconnect requests through myHelpdesk for any equipment no longer in use
For any of the above changes, a Device Billing Information Update Request must be submitted in ServiceNow.
All requests must be received by close of business on the 23rd (or preceding business day should the 23rd not be a business day) of a given month to be effective in the billing cycle for that month.
Please note that ITS can only accept a single fund or WBS number per device or user. Splitting of charges across multiple grant or non-grant funds must be handled by the customer.
Reading your ITS Bill
ITS monthly service charges are reflected in WBG BI reporting under GL 708007 “ITS Auxiliary Internal Expense”. A monthly notification email is sent to users when ITS charges are available for review. Users can pull billing information for a specific rollup by using the ITS Billing Detail report through the BI Gateway tile in WBG. For more information on how to navigate through your ITS billing charges, please use link below.
Disputed Charges / Refund Procedure
ITS will issue a refund for device disconnections if it is requested using Modifications and Disconnects but not applied to the billing batch correctly.
Refunds requested within the previous three billing cycles of a current fiscal year will be honored. Refund requests for charges over 90 days or in a previous fiscal year are not eligible. Once a refund is issued, credit on your fund will appear in a separate batch on your BI reports.
The following reasons are explicitly not justifications for a refund request.
- Billing information changes requested after a batch is submitted (normally 15th & 30th of each month)
- Lack of use of previously ordered and delivered services.
- Dissatisfaction with the service provided.
Prorated Charges
If a device is requested to be connected or disconnected mid-cycle, ITS will bill a rounded percentage of the charge for the month. To find out which services are prorated please refer to our ITS Rate Sheet.
Non-Core/Manual Service Billing
Services that do not get billed as part of the monthly billing process are collected separately as necessary. Please contact the service owner or the ITS billing staff for more information regarding billing timing for non-core services.
Escalation Procedure
For any ITS billing inquiries, please send your correspondence to Our team is committed to assisting with all billing-related questions and concerns.