Computer with tools on screen to signify maintenance

Computer reboot required to address Windows security issue

Microsoft recently identified a security vulnerability affecting Windows 10 computers. To address this, ITS will be pushing a critical security patch to all tagged Windows computers after hours this evening that will require a restart of your machine to take effect. 


How will this affect you? 

If you are on a tagged Windows device, you will see a prompt to restart your...

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first aid go bag

September is National Preparedness Month

September 1 is the start of National Preparedness Month, a federal initiative aimed at raising awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. Whether it’s severe weather, a pandemic, or other emergencies, ITS Disaster Recovery has tips to help with your emergency planning. Follow these simple steps to shift your mindset from "taking my chances" to being in control:...

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Apple logo

New Apple bug affecting iOS, iPadOs & macOS

Apple recently identified a bug in its operating systems that leaves its devices open to security threats. The bug affects iPhones, iPads, and Mac (macOS Big Sur) devices. In response, ITS will be pushing an update to tagged Apple computers to address this vulnerability.


How will this affect you? 

If you have a tagged Apple computer, your device will...

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