geocoding map

June 27: Unveiling the Power of Geocoding in Population Research

CTSC ARCH Workshop
Topic: Unveiling the Power of Geocoding in Population Research
Thursday, June 27, 2024
11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
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Scheduling an email in Outlook

TipUp: Schedule sending emails in Microsoft Outlook

Need to send an important email, but you're not going to be in the office? Schedule your emails in Microsoft Outlook! Before you hit send, you can manage the date and time your email will be sent to your intended recipient.

Watch our latest TipUp to learn how to schedule your emails, and...

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People at a meeting with their pronouns displayed above them

TipUp: Using the Pronoun Tool in the WCM Directory

The Office of Staff Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement recently announced a new Pronoun Tool in the WCM Directory! The Pronoun Tool allows you to display your pronouns to your colleagues in your directory profile. While it’s optional to display your pronouns, doing so fosters a culture of inclusivity where everyone feels seen and respected. 

Watch our latest TipUp to learn how to update your pronouns in the...

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