How to access your OverDrive account
Visit cornell.overdrive.com and select the Sign In button to choose your library affiliation (Weill Cornell Medical College). Once you’ve finished logging in with your CWID and password, you’ll have access to Cornell University Library’s online collection.
OverDrive lets you access titles in various formats, like Kindle and EPUB for eBooks, and MP3 for audiobooks. You can also read or listen to a title from your browser.
Mobile access with the Libby app
The Libby app allows you to connect to your OverDrive account from your mobile device. Simply download the free app from the App Store or Google Play and search for your library affiliation (Weill Cornell Medical College). You’ll have access to the same collection that you see on the OverDrive website from the convenience of your smartphone or tablet.
Need help with OverDrive or Libby?
Check out the Wood Library’s LibGuide on using OverDrive and Libby, or contact infodesk@med.cornell.edu for assistance.