Did you miss Adobe August? Here's what you need to know

Our 2nd Annual Adobe August Month was a hit with the WCM community, bringing in 180 attendees who wanted to learn more about the graphic design, video, and web applications available in the Adobe Creative Cloud suite. In addition to this record-breaking attendance, our ITS Training & Communications team received tons of emails from people who couldn’t make it to a demonstration, but still want to learn how to use the Creative Cloud tools, like Photoshop and Illustrator. If this is you, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! 

How do I get Creative Cloud?
ITS offers licensing for the Adobe Creative Cloud suite to WCM faculty and staff at no additional cost with a legitimate business need. To request a license, please fill out our online request form. Unfortunately, Adobe still won't allow us to provide their software to students, though students can use it for free on Library computers or purchase a copy at a discounted price at OnTheHub. We continue to work with Adobe on this issue.

Are there any online tutorials I can watch to learn how to use Creative Cloud? 

Yep! Here are some of the helpful tutorials and guides we shared with our attendees:

There is also a plethora of online courses on LinkedIn Learning and Skillsoft that are free for anyone with a WCM CWID and password.

Will you be doing Creative Cloud demos again?
While Adobe August is a once-a-year event, we do offer short demos of these tools at Tech Tuesday sessions throughout the year. Make sure you check our Tech Tuesday schedule on the ITS website or the WCM Events Calendar.

If attending Tech Tuesday doesn’t fit your schedule, our ITS Training team offers basic overviews of the aforementioned Creative Cloud applications. If your department is interested in learning more about these tools, send an email to its-training@med.cornell.edu with your request. 

For more in-depth instruction, there are several organizations that offer full-day or multi-day workshops in the city. Places like General Assembly offer a number of Creative Cloud-focused courses. Note that these courses are not affiliated with WCM and require a fee. 









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(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
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