Jan. 30: Changes to High-Risk Data Attestation

On Thursday, Jan. 30, from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m., ITS will be implementing changes to the annual High-Risk Data Attestation that is required to be completed by WCM faculty, staff, and students. All WCM employees must complete the attestation annually (upon their anniversary date) at attest.weill.cornell.edu.



What’s new to the attestation

  • You can edit your own attestation and update answers. This is ideal if you change roles mid-year and your new role exposes you to different data and responsibilities. You no longer need to go through ITS to reopen your survey before your anniversary date.


  • A new question will confirm your Directory details. To ensure the data in our online directory is up to date, you will be asked to verify your directory details and update them.


  • Save your attestation progress. If you need time to complete the attestation, you can save your answers and exit the form, and submit your data at a later time.



If you have any questions about these changes, please contact ITS Security at its-security@med.cornell.edu.


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1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
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