Learn about tech at SMARTFest, win a prize!

Our 6th Annual SMARTFest is one week away and we've got more in store for you. Here's what's happening on Thursday, February 28: 

Be eligible to win a prize!

We've got great prizes planned for this year, and all you have to do is learn about our services to be eligible to win. There are three ways you can win a prize this year. Find out more in this video: 

Download the WCM Here! app


The WCM Here! app allows you to check into institutional events from the convenience of your mobile device.

At SMARTFest, we'll have two events you can check into from the app - one in the Wood Library and one in Griffis Faculty Club, where the Dell Tech Rally will be held. Check into both for two chances to win a raffle prize!

This year's raffle prizes

Our list is growing, but we'll have these raffles and more at SMARTFest:

  • Various gift cards
  • Fitbits
  • JBL Charge 3 speaker
  • Apple iPad
  • Dell 2-in-1 laptop

Visit the SMARTFest website for the latest information on sponsors, demos, raffles, and more.

Event Details

Samuel J. Wood Library & Griffis Faculty Club
1300 York Avenue
10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Visit its.weill.cornell.edu/smartfest, or email us at its-communications@med.cornell.edu.

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
Make an appointment