Learn new skills with latest LinkedIn Learning & Skillsoft features

If you haven’t logged into your LinkedIn Learning or Skillsoft accounts lately, there are some great new features that can help you with career growth:  


LinkedIn Learning Nano Tips 

Nano Tips are quick and actionable tip videos on improving your skillset in the workplace. Each video is about 30 seconds to two minutes long, making them easily accessible for mobile viewing on the go.   

Currently, Nano Tips cover topics like communication, wellness, diversity, equity and inclusion, data analysis, and more. To access these videos, search for “Nano Tips” at the top of your LinkedIn Learning page after you log in.   

Recommended Nano Tip courses:  


Skillsoft Leadercamps 

Leadercamps are interactive webinars presented by experts on a variety of leadership and business subject areas throughout the year. You can view the Leadercamps calendar to see upcoming webinar topics, and log into your Skillsoft account to attend the webinars in your Library:   

Screenshot of Leadercamp link in Skillsoft 


Accessing LinkedIn Learning & Skillsoft      

To access LinkedIn Learning:   

  • First time logging in?  Activate your account here  and log in with your CWID and password. You may be prompted to authenticate your account with Duo.   
  • Logged into LinkedIn before?  Visit  linkedin.com/learning, click the “Sign In” button on the top right of your screen, and log in with your WCM email address. You’ll be prompted to select your institution and then you may be asked to log in with Duo.     

To access Skillsoft, visit  weill.percipio.com  and log in with your CWID and password.   

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
Make an appointment