September is National Preparedness Month

September 1 is the start of National Preparedness Month, a federal initiative aimed at raising awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. Whether it’s severe weather, a pandemic, or other emergencies, ITS Disaster Recovery has tips to help with your emergency planning. Follow these simple steps to shift your mindset from "taking my chances" to being in control:


  1. Make a plan: When disaster strikes, where will you find shelter? How will you evacuate? What about your family? Start thinking of how you should react in an emergency and come up with a plan to share with your loved ones. Gather supplies you’ll need for everyone in your household – including your pets!    
  2. Create a contact list: Identify friends and family, emergency service info, and work contacts. Create a hard copy in the event you don’t have access to electronic devices, and store it in a safe place. 
  3. Stay put: If you have to seek shelter, make sure you have supplies during an emergency, including water, food, and a first aid kit. Know where the nearest shelters are in your area in the event you cannot shelter at home or with loved ones. 
  4. Make a go bag: If you need to leave in the middle of a disaster, do you have a way to carry everything you need? Preparing a go bag that you can quickly take with you is important. Go bags should include items like clothing, any necessary medications, vital documents, and other emergency supplies. 
  5. Practice, practice, practice: Make sure you know your preparedness plan inside and out. Discuss your plan with loved ones so everyone is in the loop. Know your evacuation routes, and encourage others to create their own emergency plans. 

In any emergency, it’s important to hope for the best, but plan for the worst! Use these resources to start your planning today: 

Follow our Twitter account for more preparedness tips this month!

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