Upcoming changes to SuccessFactors homepage

On Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2022, you will see a few changes to the SuccessFactors homepage. These changes mostly affect the look-and-feel of the application, and do not change any functionality. There will be additional enhancements to this page when the new Employee Central module launches in October.

How do I access the SuccessFactors homepage?

  1. Log into WBG at https://wbg.weill.cornell.edu
  2. Click on the tile Employee Tasks

What is changing on the SuccessFactors homepage?

Depending on your role, you’ll see a few new sections on the homepage:

  • Quick Actions: All employees will see this section that displays SuccessFactors actions you perform on a day-to-day basis. Cards are displayed based on how frequently you perform each task and your access permissions.

SF quick actions

  • For You Today: All employees will see this section that displays SuccessFactors tasks that need immediate action.

SF for you today

  • Approvals: Managers and DAs will see this section that displays all pending approvals that need action. 

 SF approvals


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