Updates to the Weill Research Gateway

Our maintenance on the Weill Research Gateway (WRG) is now complete and the site is accessible.


Conflicts of Interest (COI) changes

Based on faculty feedback, the Conflicts Office has streamlined the questions and simplified the COI survey. These changes have been reflected in our existing guides:  


Please remember to submit your COI survey at least once a year, and any time you develop a financial relationship related to your institutional responsibilities at WCM. Any new relationships must be reported within 30 days of acquiring them. 


Human Subjects updates in WRG 

Please note that we have made several updates to improve the usability of our Human Subjects module:  

  • To avoid confusion, we’ve implemented new system rules on which submission types can be created while others are still pending IRB determination.  
  • Documents you upload in your IRB application will default to the file name.  
  • The document name and the date the document was uploaded will appear in lieu of the glasses icon in the IRB application.  
  • Information from a previous amendment will no longer pre-populate to the Amendment section of a subsequent Amendment or Continuing Review with Amendment submission, allowing you to fill out information specific to the current amendment.  
  • You can now access a new tab in your protocol called Approved Docs. This tab will list all the IRB-approved documents (including stamped documents) for each submission. 
  • Previously, documents uploaded in previous submissions (e.g., drug FDA approval letters) did not prepopulate in subsequent submissions and required you to upload them again with the new submission. Now, documents will carry over between submissions, eliminating the need for you to upload them again unless you are making changes to them.


You can view our guides to help you navigate these changes in our myHelpdesk Knowledge database:  

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
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1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
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