Learn about our new Storage Wizard tool, find the scientific software you need on the Scientific Software Hub & more!
Inside ITS at Weill Cornell Medicine
October 2017 |
Volume 28 |
Welcome to this edition of Inside ITS! This newsletter keeps users informed about technology services available at Weill Cornell Medicine.
For more information about services and events listed in this issue, please send us an email at its-communications@med.cornell.edu.
Need data storage options? Try Storage Wizard
If you are looking for guidance on your data storage options, ITS’ Storage Wizard is your go-to resource to review and compare our available services.
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Find the software you need with the Scientific Software Hub
The Samuel J. Wood Library currently holds licenses to over 35 scientific software products that can assist you with your research at Weill Cornell Medicine. To help you explore and gain access to these programs, we’ve recently launched the Scientific Software Hub.
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New school year, new Education Center
This past August, students and faculty were able to kick off the new school year in brand new classrooms. ITS has played a major role in overseeing renovations in the Education Center to ensure state-of-the-art technology in our classrooms.
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Logging in made easier with Web Login enhancement
Does it feel like you enter your CWID and password 20 times a day? Thanks to a new security feature we’ve introduced, you may find yourself logging in less frequently across multiple WCM applications.
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How much do you know about cybersecurity?
Earlier this year, the Pew Research Center released its findings from an online survey it posted on cybersecurity knowledge. In honor of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we invite you to take the same 10-question quiz and test your knowledge.
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