COVID Related Resources

ARCH provides access to a variety of COVID related resources, such as the COVID Biobank, COVID Institutional Data Repository (IDR) and the NYGC COVID Research Network 

COVID Biobank 

The WCM COVID-19 Biobank is a collaborative initiative to process, store, and track biospecimens gathered for COVID-19 research at Weill Cornell Medicine. The purpose of this resource is to enable clinical and translational research on SARS-CoV-2 using biospecimens managed by the WCM Institutional Biorepository Core (IBC) in coordination with WCM faculty. The COVID-19 Biobank provides investigators with access to well-characterized samples and clinical data from patients who underwent COVID-19 testing at Weill Cornell Medicine outpatient clinics, NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center’s E 68th St campus, and Lower Manhattan Hospital. In the future, specimens from other NYP campuses may be available.  

Biospecimens for research are available upon request. For more information on specimen availability and the biospecimen request process, please view our Sharepoint site.  

COVID Institutional Data Repository (IDR) 

The COVID Institutional Data Repository (IDR) contains data on patients tested for SARS-CoV-2 at the Weill Cornell Medical, Lower Manhattan Hospital, and Queens Hospital centers of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. The IDR brings together data from disparate clinical and research information systems at WCM, including Epic, REDCap, and Allscripts, at all three sites. ARCH can provide authorized personnel in the Weill Cornell community with access to the COVID IDR to support both clinical operations and research needs.  

To learn more about the COVID IDR, visit our SharePoint site. 

NYGC COVID Research Network 

In March 2020, the NYGC launched the  COVID-19 Genomics Research Network, a new multidisciplinary consortium with the goal of undertaking a wide array of large-scale sequencing projects to understand how the virus spreads, how the immune system responds, why some people appear minimally affected while others are severely impacted, and which pharmaceutical strategies might optimally help reduce the spread and alleviate symptoms. 

More than 250 scientists and clinicians, representing the leading academic medical centers and research institutions across the region, are participating in the Network’s virtual meetings.  

NYGC core faculty members and senior scientists are also actively involved in developing joint collaborative projects within the Network, including a building a regional data commons to house de-identified clinical, omics, and imaging data for the research community. 

The Network is supported by a new portal,, which includes COVID-19 related news, events, protocols, tools, and recent publications. 

Weill Cornell Medicine participates in the NYGC COVID-19 Genomics Research Network. Researchers interested in using data from this network can learn more at the portal link above or by contacting 




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