11.13 - Directory

Last Updated:                     August 29, 2023

Last Reviewed:                   August 29, 2023

Policy Statement

All members of the Weill Cornell Medicine community are responsible for maintaining a Directory profile which contains accurate, updated, and relevant information about their positions.

Reason for Policy

Maintaining a complete, accurate, and updated profile in the Directory fosters and eases communication among individuals at Weill Cornell Medicine.

Entities Affected by this Policy

All units of Weill Cornell Medicine, including Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar.

Who Should Read this Policy

All members of the Weill Cornell Medicine community.

Web Address of this Policy



Direct any questions about this policy, 11.13 – Directory, to Brian J. Tschinkel, Chief Information Security Officer, using one of the methods below:

  • Office:                          (646) 962-2768
  • Email:                           thh4011@med.cornell.edu

1.   Overview

The Directory is an aggregate of contact information from various systems of record at Weill Cornell Medicine. The Directory is accessible online at https://directory.weill.cornell.edu. Various data attributes are visible depending on the publication settings within a user’s profile.

The Directory contains information about the following types of active people:

(1)   employees at Weill Cornell Medicine and Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar,

(2)   faculty and non-faculty academics at Weill Cornell Medical College and the Weill Cornell Medicine Graduate School of Medical Sciences,

(3)   students, although published information may be limited due to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and

(4)   affiliates, including, but not limited to, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Hospital for Special Surgery, or volunteers.

The Directory is populated from a variety of systems as listed below:

  • Academic Staff Management System (ASMS) – the system of record for faculty
  • Weill Business Gateway (WBG) – the system of record for employees
  • Physician Organization Profile System (POPS) – a system for tracking clinical contact information
  • Jenzabar – the system of record for students
  • MARIA – the system of record for affiliates, such as vendors, contractors, and other temporary staff
  • Avaya – the system for tracking Weill Cornell Medicine-issued phone numbers

Most data attributes in the Directory can be set to different visibility levels as described below:

  • Public – viewable by anyone (e.g., accessible to the internet)
  • WCM – viewable by members of the Weill Cornell Medicine community, either while on the campus network or while logged in to the Directory
    • Department – viewable by members of the individual’s primary department while logged in to the Directory
    • Emergency – not otherwise viewable, except for emergencies or identity verification

2.   Individual Responsibilities

In order to ease and facilitate communication among the institution, all Weill Cornell Medicine employees must publish current contact information in the Directory.

2.01      Accuracy of Information

All members of the Weill Cornell Medicine community are responsible for maintaining the information contained within their profile. Contact information should be updated at least annually, or sooner in the event of a change in phone number, email address, or location. Photographs should have been taken within the past five (5) years.

2.02      Preferred Name

Anyone may choose to identify themselves within the Weill Cornell Medicine community with a preferred first and middle name that differs from their legal first and middle names.

Legal names are maintained in the appropriate systems of record. Legal names appear in employee records (e.g., payroll documents), student records (e.g., financial aid documents, official transcripts, diplomas), federal requests for information, academic certifications, and federal immigration documents.

Preferred names are maintained in the Directory and appear in Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and other downstream systems that utilize Directory data, including building security badges. Preferred names may not be used for purposes of fraud or misrepresentation. Weill Cornell Medicine reserves the right to remove a preferred name if it contains inappropriate or offensive language or violates Weill Cornell Medicine policies.

2.03      Required Visibility of Phone Numbers

All Weill Cornell Medicine employees must have at least one phone number published to WCM (preferably the employee’s direct number and/or a department number).

All exempt employees and faculty must have at least one phone number published to Public (preferably the employee’s direct number and/or a department number). This does not apply to non-FLSA exempt employees.

2.04      Required Visibility of Email Addresses

By default, email addresses issued by Weill Cornell Medicine will be published to Public. At the  employee’s discretion, they may reduce the visibility of their Weill Cornell Medicine email address to the Weill Cornell Medicine community by publishing it to WCM.

Individuals with email addresses issued from a Weill Cornell Medicine affiliate (as officially maintained on the Weill Cornell Medicine website) may be published to WCM. These affiliate addresses may be published to Public at the discretion of the individual in compliance with the affiliate institutions’ policies. Only email addresses ending with @med.cornell.edu, @qatar-med.cornell.edu, @cornell.edu, @nyp.org, @hss.edu, or @mskcc.org can be published to WCM or Public. Only these email addresses can be set as the individual’s primary email address.

Personal email addresses or other professional email addresses not ending in one of the above domains may only be published to Department or Emergency. ITS policy 11.08 – Use of Email must be respected for appropriate communication.

2.05      Required Visibility of Locations

All Weill Cornell Medicine employees must have a location published to Public. Valid locations are available from the Directory drop-down menu.

2.06      Required Submission of Emergency Contact Information

Weill Cornell Medicine maintains “Weill Cornell Alert” to provide emergency information and instructions. Weill Cornell Alert can send simultaneous notifications to the Weill Cornell Medicine community via:

  • Cell phone (voice and SMS text messaging)
  • Home phone
  • Work phone(s)
  • Alternate phone(s)
  • Home and work email(s)
  • Pager
  • Fax

All Weill Cornell Medicine faculty, staff, and students are required to add their emergency contact information in their Directory profile (using the Emergency drop-down option) in order to be added to the Weill Cornell Alert system. This information will not be displayed on your Directory profile as it will only be used by the automated emergency notification system.

2.07      Appropriateness of Photographs

All Weill Cornell Medicine employees are encouraged to publish a professional business headshot to the Directory. Published photographs will synchronize with Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and other downstream systems that use Directory data. Photographs must include the face, head, and shoulders in a plain background not cropped too closely to the head. Photographs must be in color and of an acceptable resolution (minimum of 200 x 200 pixels and 72 DPI). 

In order to qualify as a profile picture on the Directory, individuals should be posed and in professional attire. Selfies, pictures taken with a cell phone, and action or candid shots (such as sitting at a desk, giving a talk, or during a meeting) might not be acceptable and are subject to removal. Photographs should have been taken within the past five (5) years.

ITS offers a wide range of photography and digital imaging services, including professional portrait photography. More information about the services can be found on the ITS website.

3.   Additional Resources

The following additional resources are available:

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