
Tech Tuesday June Schedule

Grab your lunch and join us for Tech Tuesdays when ITS and Library staff will be doing short demos on services we offer! Each week, our [...cont'd]

Security Announcement: myCertificates Access

Information Technologies & Services (ITS)
Security Announcement

ITS has been notified of a [...cont'd]

New shortcut available for

Our website is the place to go for any information on emergency announcements, [...cont'd]

Memorial Day 2015 Schedule for ITS Service Desk

The ITS Service Desk will operate with a holiday schedule during Memorial Day weekend. Please note the following changes in schedule: [...cont'd]

Info for Mac users: Issues with latest Office update

If you are a Mac user who has seen a notification on your ITS-tagged computer to update to Microsoft Office 2011 Version 14.5.0, we [...cont'd]

ITS Training Coaching Lab on May 13

Need help figuring out how to use some of our ITS services? Our ITS [...cont'd]

New NIH Biosketch Format: Library staff here to help

Changes to the format of the NIH Biosketch will go into effect on May 25. To help you prepare, the library is offering several [...cont'd]

Security Announcement: ICT Service Desk spam message

ITS has been notified of a malicious email that users at Weill Cornell may have received in their inboxes. Links have been removed from [...cont'd]

See our latest services at Tech Tuesdays!

Grab your lunch and join us for Tech Tuesdays when ITS and Library staff will be doing short demos on services we offer! Each week, our experts [...cont'd]

"Inside ITS" Newsletter - Vol. 13

Welcome to this edition of Inside ITS! Inside ITS keeps users informed about technology services [...cont'd]

Need Help?

(212) 746-4878
Open: 24/7 (Excluding holidays)
WCM Library Commons
1300 York Ave
New York, NY
Mon & Thurs
9AM - 5PM
Make an appointment

IT Glossary

Type an acronym or term you would like a definition for.